Wednesday, October 8, 2008

it's all in the diaper!

i've always known that i'm super lucky when it comes to having tabby as my children's father.  he's such a hands on dad, it's amazing!  my brother likes to tease him that he's under and it's demeaning for him to be the one to change the diapers and all that, but the proof is in the pudding!  my boys loove their father.  they love him to bits and pieces!  his approval is important to them, the time he spends with them is golden!  although they look for me, it's usually because they're asking for something or want to do something that they know papa won't approve of!  for example, they will ask me for pepperoni pizza, but would never dream of even hinting to papa that they want pizza for dinner.  haha  =)

i read this article in Baby Zone's page (i signed up to get updates on the weekly development of joachim) and it all became clear to me why our boys are so good and sweet and loving... it's because their papa changed their diapers!  (to the men reading this: are you listening?)  read on!  =)

click on the title below to read it on the original page or just read on =)

Baby's Brain in Week 12

He may never make a peep about it, but by now, Dad might feel that Baby prefers Mom—and that may bum him out. When he holds Baby, she may squirm and look around for Mom. And when passed to Mom, Baby may quiet almost instantly.

The big secret? The only real preference that Baby has for Mommy is that she, if nursing, is Baby's sole source for food, which she knows she needs to survive. Even when not nursing, a breastfeeding mom's scent provides comfort as her child associates it with breast milk. (Remember those week 4 pacifier studies?) Ultimately, Baby may seem more relaxed with Mom over Dad because she knows, instinctively, that Mom equals food.

Yet other than nursing, dads are fully capable of all caregiving tasks: feeding from a bottle, burping, rocking, comforting, playing, and changing diapers. We now know that the messier the task he undertakes, the better Dad's chances are of having Baby cozy up to him.
What the Research Shows

Researchers wanted to know the difference between the dads whose children readily turned to them and those who didn't. They conducted a study that involved counting the diapers that the dads changed. For the daddies who took the time and got beyond the ick factor, changing diapers seemed to secure the child's attachment to Dad as well as to Mom: The more diapers dads changed, the more babies turned to their fathers for comfort when distressed—even when mom was in the vicinity.

Really, there's nothing magical about diapering when it comes to solidifying the father-infant bond—the research doesn't suggest that men necessarily have a better technique or strategy that babies like better. What diapering does provide, however, is an interactive time for the child and diaperer to get well-acquainted. It's an intimate social time that familiarizes Baby with the person in charge of the task, thereby building her trust in that person.

And chances are, if Dad's changing lots of diapers, he's likely doing other things to care for his child as well, which leads to a stronger attachment. In about six months or so, Baby will identify a "primary attachment figure" (or figures)—someone she'll demand when she's distressed or needs care. For some children this person is definitely Mom; for others, it's either Mom or Dad.

So every solid effort Dad makes right now to care for Baby helps her feel safe with him. As she gets older, she will approach him for all sorts of needs, further developing their relationship. And not only that, but children are also more likely to reach their potential when they know Dad really cares.


  1. yeah, diba?! i really like the articles on baby zone ( it's actually more informative and, in my opinion, more relevant and definitely more up-to-date than baby center ( i get super excited when i see updates from them in my inbox =)

  2. I have always admired fathers who are willing to do all this. It is in NO WAY demeaning in fact it is admirable. You are indeed lucky!

  3. This is great Nanny. I think it's true. I see it with the girls and Howie. =)

  4. he always struck me as the good father type =) we're so lucky in our choice of men! we must be cousins! haha ;-p

  5. hehehe!I have read this sis.SO I always encourage my hubby to do it.=)

  6. I agree! Tabby is a fantastic father! Paul is pretty darn good too!

  7. yup! i see it! =) our men are awesome dads!!

  8. our standing agreement is, i get pregnant, give birth and feed the baby and he changes the diapers and stays up to let me sleep after i give birth... i always tell him that i think he got the easier job! hahaha ;-p he's such a sweetie because he agrees with me! naks! =)
