Friday, April 18, 2008

The definition of "Frustration"

There is no one in this world that can annoy, irritate and frustrate me like my younger brother.  Maybe that's what younger brothers are for, but I think that it's more than just a case of younger-brother-itis. 

He's so relentlessly self-centered, it's not amusing.  Nor is it excusable by reason of youth because he's freaking almost 20 years old.  Maybe it's his upbringing and how his parents are raising him, but that's just a convenient excuse.  Personally, I think it's something he chooses.  He knows what is right and wrong and he consistently, bull-headedly chooses wrong.

I am so frustrated with him and (just to put a better face on it) I say na lang that it's the pregnancy.  But I have felt this way for a loong time now - even before I got pregnant.

He has no respect.  Not for his parents, his siblings, his neices and nephews, certainly not for the belongings of those people (houses and cars included).  He is so freaking spoiled, it's not funny.

I want to be able to just put it aside so that I don't get bothered by it.  But i just can't.  He annoys me no end! AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Ate says that it's because of him that I am so good with my boys.  But that's like saying that if my younger brother were an angel, I'd be a terrible mom.  I know she means well - and I know her heart and intentions are in the right place, but it doesn't make it any better.

And so I pray for patience every single day.  I pray that God gives me the tolerance I so desperately need and look for when Mikho is around.  I pray that I don't have to see him or hear anything about him so that my day isn't ruined.

1 comment:

  1. I think that considering the depth of your concern about Mikho, (and maybe your constant exposure to him since you're both in sanlo!), means that if you translate your frustration to prayers for his conversion...that God shall surely hear your prayers. Love you sis :-)
