Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

Trick or treating at san lorenzo village - micael, gabriel, rafael, joachim, ava and riley were joined by bechay and itos Ü after walking down three of the longest streets in sanlo, they decide that they want to play pa in the park! haha the adults were tired, thirsty and a little frazzled (trying to herd all the kids is hard work!), but they were so cute on the slides and jungle gym that we just had to stop Ü


  1. Your son is sooooo cute Nanny!!! And I LEEEEERVE the mohawk!!! :D

  2. Kimi has a mohawk!!! That's so awesome!!! I'm sorry I missed you guys that day. Poor little Hero had a fever. :(

  3. everyone's so cute but winner yaya's head piece!

  4. i agree!!! hehe he was my little punk rocker that day Ü

  5. galeng, no?! i don't know where sookie got it, but her yayas' headpieces were so cool! Ü

  6. wawa naman hero... =( i hope she's feeling better! the boys were asking where you were! but i think they wanted to know whether ty could join us while we were walking around... hahaha

  7. omg yaya is so cute! :)
    trick or treating sure has evolved...and so have the costumes!

    i wish halloween was big here in oz. but its not. boo.
