Friday, February 27, 2009

The boys in February =)

Joachim turned 6 months old! Time flies by so fast... It seems like i just brought him home! And now, i look at him and see how he smiles and engages me... he's learning to crawl now. i think he's teething, too, because he's got lots of laway! he's my little laway boy =) and he super loves his brothers! the boys are so kilig when joachim smiles at them...


  1. thanks, bj! =) i know it! they're the best... when they're not the worst! haha

  2. i hope one day i can introduce my son to your family. it seems like you're all so nice.. just to gain new playmates..LOL

  3. that would be great! =) we should set up a playdate for our boys! what area are you from? we're in makati...

  4. you're quite distant.. were from bulacan..
