Sunday, December 14, 2008

what to do...

i've figured out why my milk supply dipped... it was because i kept forgetting to take the motilium!  that's one of the side effects when you stop taking it - your milk supply dips...  it took a while for me to figure out what the problem was, but when i did, i became more conscious of taking motilium and i'm taking natalac twice a day na.  i had stopped taking it because i thought that the motilium would suffice...

my guess is that it's like this:  motilium will facilitate multiple let downs and natalac will help with producing the milk.  am i making sense?  so now, i'm taking 2 natalacs 2x a day and 1 motilium 3x a day.   and it's working!  i'm happy to say that my milk supply is back to normal

but now... i need to have a ct urogram for my kidneys. (i have kidney stones.)  but they'll be giving me something via iv that may not be safe for lactating mothers.  their protocol is to tell the mother to stop breastfeeding for 2-3 days.  so... i refused to have it done.  but my urologist said that he really needs that test done.  so he suggested i just pump and store milk (enough for 3 days) and then have the test done and then feed joachim via bottle (expressed breastmilk) for 3 days while i pump and throw away the contaminated milk. then i can go back to feeding him directly. 

BUT... i'm not sure that that's a good idea for me.  i feel like my body will give up making milk if i'm not feeding him directly.  it doesn't matter how great or efficient your breast pump is.  it's still no match for your baby drinking directly from you.

so... i'm torn.  i know i have to take care of myself (by getting my kidneys fixed) and i have to be ok so that i can take care of my family, but at the same time, if i do that, i'll be compromising my providing milk for joachim.  what to do?  what to do? 


  1. Hi nanny! How are you now? Have you submit yourself to test already? It's been a week since I logged in, so i never get to see your blogs coming. Hope all is well now and that you found ways to nourish joachim with your own milk in 3 days time ( that if you did take the test already.) ;)

  2. um... not yet... i've decided to do it after christmas na lang since... well.. since it's christmas! =) i'm just making buwelo (spelling correct?)... this test is the beginning of a long and (hopefully) painless journey to a life without stones. sigh. i wish they could just go straight to the getting rid of it part instead of having to take this and that test. sigh... anyway, merry christmas!! =) may God always bless you and your family! =)

  3. hi Ü i think it should be ok for you to take motilium... but you should ask your dr, too. it was my ob who told me about it - because i mentioned to her that i felt like my milk supply was going down... there are many resources on the internet that talk about domperidone (motilim) as a lactation aid, so if your doctor is hesitant, you can research on it and then tell him/her about it... good luck! there's nothing better that breastfeeding your baby! Ü
