i remember that i breastfed micael purely for 4 months and then had to supplement because my milk supply was dwindling. with the twins, i lasted for 2 months of pure breastmilk before i had to supplement. i know that breastmilk is all about supply and demand - for as long as your baby demands, your body should supply the milk... and i was trying to figure out why my milk supply ran low.
joachim is almost 4 months. at this point, he's sleeping for longer periods of time. at least 3 hours. and this is adversely affecting my milk supply. i'm taking natalac and motilium, lots of buko juice, squash soup and other soups... but i feel like my supply is, once again, dwindling. i'm fighting it, but honestly, i think that this is one battle i'm going to lose. i'm so sad...
i can't naman pump in between feedings because it's an alanganin time interval. it's happened where i pump just to keep up the supply and then he got hungry 30-45 minutes after that. and it was hard because my milk didn't let down right away (because i had super emptied both sides!) and he was screaming... poor kimi... and only after a while did it let down. after that, i've been hesitant about pumping in between feedings. i don't want to have him bitin again.
if you know of any suggestions to help me with my milk supply, please let me know! like i said, i'm fighting the fact that i feel like my milk supply is going down...
Here's another repost - this time from Jen Tan of next9 and Mom Exchange. read her original post here. it's about how her baby was really dark and/or yellow. he had breastmilk jaundice. what's that? well, read on and find out =) thinking back, all my boys (including joachim) were dark and then only turned white after a few months... i was able to breastfeed all throughout the "darkness".
i don't think it occurred to the pedia or to anyone else that they had breastmilk jaundice... in any case, the kids are fine =) ate says that my babies are born dark and then lighten over time, but looking at the pictures, i realize it's not the case. my boys are born white, then they darken until they're almost orange or dark brown. after a few months, they lighten again. it's pretty cool, actually... the color was how i differentiated gabe from rafa when they were born (aside from size). rafa was darker - maybe because he was bigger than gabe. anyway, here's her post =)
Well, when Kevin was born, he was the same.
He was dark, because of jaundice, his pediatrician said. She said I could give him water or --- just "wait it out" as it'll fade in time.
As a peer counselor of LATCH, I've received lots of inquiries regarding jaundice. How some pediatricians have recommended that the mom stop breastfeeding while the baby is jaundiced or to offer water. For those of you who are wondering, this is why babies are jaundiced:
"The newborn baby, however, often becomes jaundiced during the first few days because the liver enzyme that metabolizes bilirubin is relatively immature. Furthermore, newborn babies have more red blood cells than adults, and thus more are breaking down at any one time. If the baby is premature, or stressed from a difficult birth, or the infant of a diabetic mother, or more than the usual number of red blood cells are breaking down (as can happen in blood incompatibility), the level of bilirubin in the blood may rise higher than usual levels." (quoted from http://www.bflrc.com/newman/breastfeeding/jaundice.htm)
And it seems, there really is "breastmilk jaundice" -
"There is a condition commonly called breastmilk jaundice. No one knows what the cause of breastmilk jaundice is. In order to make this diagnosis, the baby should be at least a week old, though interestingly, many of the babies with breastmilk jaundice also have had exaggerated physiologic jaundice. The baby should be gaining well, with breastfeeding alone, having lots of bowel movements, passing plentiful, clear urine and be generally well. In such a setting, the baby has what some call breastmilk jaundice, though, on occasion, infections of the urine or an under functioning of the baby's thyroid gland, as well as a few other even rarer illnesses may cause the same picture. Breastmilk jaundice peaks at 10-21 days, but may last for two or three months. Breastmilk jaundice is normal. Rarely, if ever, does breastfeeding need to be discontinued even for a short time. Only very occasionally is any treatment, such as phototherapy, necessary. There is not one bit of evidence that this jaundice causes any problem at all for the baby. Breastfeeding should not be discontinued "in order to make a diagnosis".
If the baby is truly doing well on breast only, there is no reason, none, to stop breastfeeding or supplement with a lactation aid, for that matter. The notion that there is something wrong with the baby being jaundiced comes from the assumption that the formula feeding baby is the standard by which we should determine how the breastfed baby should be. This manner of thinking, almost universal amongst health professionals, truly turns logic upside down.
Thus, the formula feeding baby is rarely jaundiced after the first week of life, and when he is, there is usually something wrong. Therefore, the baby with so called breastmilk jaundice is a concern and "something must be done". However, in our experience, most exclusively breastfed babies who are perfectly healthy and gaining weight well are still jaundiced at five to six weeks of life and even later. The question, in fact, should be whether or not it is normal not to be jaundiced and is this absence of jaundice something we should worry about? Do not stop breastfeeding for "breastmilk" jaundice." (quoted from BFLRC.com).
Anyway, just to prove to you how my Biolink baby looked and how his progression was from "dark" to "light", click here for the pictures.
An awesome post! I read this on Jane's blog "Milk Station" click here if you want to read it on her blog =) it's really relevant and so true! if you plan on breastfeeding, read this =)
One of the books I read over and over again when I was pregnant was "What To Expect When You're Expecting". Well, I wish somebody had written a "What To Expect When You're Breastfeeding". I'm sure it could save some trouble for a lot of moms. So, why not write it myself?
Based on my own experiences, and on the experiences of moms that I know and talk to, here's what (and not) to expect when you're nursing:
1. Expect breastfeeding to be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. But, it takes time and commitment, and a lot of practice and patience.
2. Don't expect milk to be flowing out of your breasts the moment your baby is born. During the first few days, they will be producing colostrum, which is a thick, yellowish substance full of antibodies. A few teaspoons per feeding is all your baby needs at this time. Mature milk usually comes in on the 3rd or 4th day. In my case, my milk came in on the 5th day.
3. Don't be disappointed if you can barely pump an ounce of milk. Just as Rome wasn't built in a day, milk supply takes time to increase, too. As long as you're nursing frequently, your supply will build up over time.
4. Don't compare the amount that you can pump with other moms'. Just as breasts come in different sizes, storage capacity differs, too. Some moms may have more storage capacity, some may have less. But storage capacity has nothing to do with the amount of milk that you can produce. Moms with smaller storage may just need to nurse more frequently.
5. Breastfeeding can help you bond with your baby, but if you're expecting a gush of wonderful maternal feelings, so much so that you'll positively radiate with a warm glow, well, don't be surprised if instead you're up at 3 am, tired and frustrated at your baby's inability to latch, or seemingly insatiable appetite, etc., etc. Don't worry, just hang in there, and think, "This too shall pass". It will get better!
6. Expect your nipples to feel raw and tender for the first few weeks. As long as your latch and positioning are correct, the soreness will eventually disappear. In my case I think I had sore nipples for about a month.
7. When your milk comes in, expect to look like you just had a boob job. They will become a little smaller once your milk supply is established.
8. Expect your baby to be "hungry all the time". Unlike formula, breastmilk is digested easily, which is why it's the perfect first food for your baby. Of course, this means that breastfed babies need to be fed more frequently, every 2-3 hours, or by demand. However, don't always assume that if your baby is crying, then it means he's hungry. Babies cry for a whole lot of reasons. Sometimes you won't even find a reason. Well, that's what babies do. They cry. It's normal. No need to panic (and give formula).
9. Expect to be "hungry all the time" yourself. After all, you are still eating for two. Always have a snack and a glass of water ready.
10. Expect your baby to use your breast as a pacifier. While your first instinct might be to object to this, in my opinion, it's better to just surrender to it. It's good for your milk supply, anyway. Plus, it's better for your baby to get comfort from you than from plastic and silicone.
11. Don't be surprised if your baby often falls asleep at your breast. Don't be surprised if you find yourself nodding off, too. Breastfeeding releases hormones that relax both you and your baby.
12. Expect your baby's poop to change from black to green to yellow. It will be soft and mushy, and it's normal to have some stuff that look like seeds. Expect around four to six wet diapers a day, and at least two poops a day. Some breastfed babies poop after every feeding. That's normal.
13. Don't worry if you get stomach cramps, especially while you're nursing. Breastfeeding helps contract your uterus, bringing it back to its original size. That's what's causing the cramps.
14. Expect your baby to get better at latching as time goes on. It took my little S about a month before he learned how to latch. At 3 months, I didn't even have to guide him anymore. There were times when I'd be moving around, and look down in surprise to see him latched on already.
15. Expect your baby to get more efficient, too. Starting around 7 months, what used to take little S an hour (or two) now takes him under 10 minutes to finish.
16. As your baby grows older, expect him to get easily distracted. This started at 3 months for baby S. If you find this irritating, nurse in a dim, secluded area.
17. Expect your older baby to be able to nurse in positions that will amaze you. (And lift your shirt up himself, too!)
18. And the warm gush of maternal feelings? Yes, they will come, especially when your baby caresses you while nursing, or smiles at you after he's full. My little S likes to be tickled while (comfort) nursing. It's our way of bonding, and I'm sure you'll create your own special nursing ritual, too.
I hope this helps some first-time breastfeeding moms out there.
we went for the birthday of tabby's dad and sookie and dondi's wedding anniversary =) ava, eli and joachim's first time on a beach... they released baby turtles too! =) montemar is a turtle preserve and they had hatchlings that had to be released. tabby's mom and sister (auntie elizabeth) joined us there too =)
breastfeeding has been a difficult and rewarding experience for me. much easier now than with mica, gabe and rafa. maybe because i'm older and know my mind... i am really sticking to my guns about it. there are those tell me that i should give him water or that maybe my breast milk is not enough - he might be malnourished! hello?! have they seen my boy? he's almost 8 kilos! at 3 months!!
funny din my yayas because they have all these pamahiins about breastfeeding! i told you guys na about the feeding from the left breast first before the right because that's the ulam and the right is the water (or was is the other way around?)... but there's also the one about how i shouldn't feed joachim right away when i come home because i'm tired. i should express some milk first - kahit konti lang - before feeding him para he doesn't get tired. ok ba?! hay naku! I just sigh and tell them to give me my baby na so i can feed him.
they keep insisting that i should buy formula for him - "just in case" daw - kahit a small can lang. i keep telling them no. not only is it against what i'm trying to do (which is to purely breastfeed), it'll be too tempting for them and they won't text me when he's hungry if i'm not home.
i'm really lucky that i have enough milk for him. i've been taking the malungay pills (natalac), drinking buko juice, having squash soup and taking motilium (yes, the medicine for your tummy) to help increase my milk supply.
micael (he's 5 years old now) is getting over a cold - lots of phlegm, coughing and slight fever for 2 days. not fun. the poor boy's paos and he's matamlay. so i had the bright idea of giving him my breast milk to help boost his immune system. this worked with joachim and so i told the yaya to mix it in with his regular strawberry-flavored milk. of course, i didn't tell him mostly because he'd refuse because the milk is for joachim. and, to be honest with you, i'm not sure what i'd do if i offered to feed him and he said yes! (he's kinda big na, you know?!) and guess what! he's much better. although he's still coughing, his eyes are clearer and he's more active!
amazing talaga the way God made us! i'm so grateful that i have milk now and that since i am producing antibodies, my other kids can benefit from it - not just joachim! makes me even more determined to keep on breastfeeding and storing as much as possible for when i have to go back to the office! my mom's being really nice and told me that i can work from the house first because i'm still breastfeeding joachim... i'm so lucky that she's my boss and she has vested interest in him! haha
sunday morning in tagaytay, i was listening to the three boys talk - well, mica was listening and gabe was talking with rafa chiming in every so often. they were discussing the fact that gabe had no more socks (his yaya had only packed 2 pairs of socks for both him and rafa) and how he wanted to wear his shoes, but can't because i said he had to wear socks with them. no smelly feet for him! he had already used his 2 pairs the whole of saturday and so had no socks. he refused to wear his crocs and was adamant about not wearing his sandals. he very definitely wanted to wear his rubber shoes.
mica was patiently listening to gabe, all the while compante because his yaya packed more than enough socks for him, so he was fine! putting on his last pair of clean socks while listening to gabe and rafa. after a while, he pulls off his socks and announces: "you can wear my socks." and gabe, quick as a snake, snatches the socks (before kuya changes his mind) and yells out "thank you, kuya!!! MOMMY!!! Kuya lent me his socks!! I can wear my shoes na!!!" his smile was triumphant and exhilarated!
I came out from the room, where i was sitting beside the open door (unabashedly eavesdropping on my boys - hehe) and asked mica "what will you wear? are you ok with that?" he was very nonchalant about it - just tipped his head to one side and shrugged his shoulders and said "yes. i'll wear my crocs!" then he smiled and it was a smile that very clearly said that he's "kuya" and so he'll give in to his brothers.
rafa went and dug up his old socks - he got the one that was less dirty - and asked me if he could wear it. he looked near tears because he didn't have socks and he wanted to wear his rubber shoes too, so i said yes. the smile he gave me was blinding in intensity! it was as if the sun had come out from behind storm clouds and burned away even a hint of shadow! it was brilliant!
i can't wait to listen to them deal with each other over bigger things! =) what a trip that will be! =)