I'm at 33 weeks! I can't believe it! Time flies... I was admitted to Makati Med last week because I had high fever, was chilling and generally felt like crap. We found out (well, the doctors did) that it was because i had uti due to complications from having kidney stones. Of course, Tabby was like "Yan! Kasi! No more na salt and patis!!" >sigh< oh well...
So, now I'm out and i've been avoiding salty foods... can you believe i haven't had patis or added salt to anything i've eaten?! (in the interest of honesty, i had soy sauce with my sushi, but that's it!) i'm so proud of me! haha =)
Since i've been released from the hospital, i get tired more easily. i'm more prone to cramping and i
feel more delicate. i feel like this pregnancy is taking forever, but i know that in about 5 weeks, i'll get to see my baby na! it's so soon! i've realized that i've been putting off stuff that shouldn't be put off... like getting the newborn clothes out of storage and having them washed and put away in my room or getting the receiving blankets ready or bringing the crib out... it seems to me like i'm so woefully unprepared. i need to make more of an effort to get things ready for my newest love...